Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Researchers in the Ottawa Region will focus on the Just Food Community Farm, Community Gardening Network, Ottawa Food Strategy, and digital storytelling.

Just Food Community Farm

This action and evaluation research will contribute to:

  • FLOW results and comparative studies
  • evolution of Just Food’s vision and governance of community farms
  • efforts to strengthen the network of community farms across Indigenous Territories/Canada, and to develop cost-sharing agreements for the model across federal, provincial, and Indigenous governance.

Community Gardening Network

We have created an initial Impact Pathway Map with indicators and baseline data to evaluate this 27-year-old network. We aim to work with municipal officials, gardeners, and garden coordinators to produce qualitative and quantitative evidence and to inform positive policy change.

Ottawa Food Strategy

This strategy involves multi-actor groups and networks in the Ottawa region (including residents, youth, the Community Development Network, the Ottawa Food Policy Council, the Ottawa Community Food Partnership, and the Savour Ottawa network of food and farmer businesses). Its aim is to advance regional Good Food (affordable, accessible, culturally relevant, fresh, minimally processed, as local as possible, ecologically produced, and within sustainable livelihoods).

Digital Storytelling

We are excited to relay stories of impact and social innovation in compelling audio-visual formats, both in our region and comparatively across regions.

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photos: Trish Ballamingie | map: OpenStreetMap

Project Partners

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Ottawa project one-pager

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