The FLOW (Food, Learning and Growing) Partnership

The goal of the FLOW Partnership is to support, track, and communicate about sustainable, resilient regional food systems through an extensive international network of food system researchers, practitioners, and community partners. Our research will map and monitor the pathways between specific practices and impacts across social, environmental, and economic factors as we work to build increasingly just, equitable, ecological, and circular regional food systems.

With our partner organizations, we will create compelling, indicator-driven narratives about the interrelated effects that these practices have on the regional level, using them to amplify meaningful, long-term change among a range of audiences. In all, FLOW will contribute to innovation in both the theory and practice of sustainable regional food systems.

for policy makers

inform decision-making, develop policies to support food systems transformation (read more…)

for community partners

 amplify your successes, grow capacities, connect to a global community of practice (read more…)

for researchers

identify indicators, map impact pathways, connect with students, share knowledge (read more…)

latest news

FLOW receives SSHRC funding!

The FLOW Partnership was formally awarded funding by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada in Summer 2023. We are excited to get the ball rolling and start […]

FLOW in Montreal

The FLOW Partnership team met in Montreal, Québec, Canada from May 13 to 17, 2024, to formally kick things off. Over the four days, the regional partners shared their project […]

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The FLOW Partnership is funded in part by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University acts as the project’s institutional manager.